Terms and Conditions:

Please read through the following essential information and terms of booking and complete the booking form before attending any online or in person class.

•       Wear comfy clothes that you can easily move around in. If joining me outdoors bring something warm in case the temperature drops. Always have a blanket or something to keep you warm handy for relaxation at the end.


•       Bring a bottle of water with you to ensure you keep well-hydrated. It is fine to eat before class, though nothing too heavy – be guided by what your body needs.


•       To keep in-line with Covid-19 policy, I can no longer provide mats or props. Please bring a yoga mat and any other props you might need with you.


•       Bookings / payment is made in advance using the booking system. Booking links provided via Class Schedule.


•       If you can't make a session that you have booked and you let Kate know 48hrs in advance, you are welcome to come along to a replacement session, space permitting. If you need to cancel your booking and if the place can be filled by someone else the fee can be returned. Otherwise the fees are only refundable if the class is cancelled.

Booking form:
If you are new to Yoga with Katy, please complete the booking form below before attending. 

NB: All information given is strictly confidential. Please see Privacy Policy for further details on how I store and use the information provided.